Who I am

Born in 1988 in Algeria, Walid BERRAZEG is a documentary photographer and freelance photojournalist.

After a bachelor’s degree in management at the University of Tlemcen (Algeria), he moved to Paris to pursue a Master in Digital Marketing and Cybersecurity at the University of Créteil which he obtained in 2014.

What I do

While working in the IT sector, Walid launched into street photography, which led to covering the Parisian protests of recent years.

Today, he focuses his work on the East Asia region with the main subject of social and political movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Ongoing projects

There are also two long-term projects underway: a first around the “Revolution of the Smile” in Algeria, as well as a second in the form of a documentary entitled “Suburbia”, dealing with the sensitive suburbs of the United States where it highlights the “re-appropriation” of the street by the locals.


My work has been featured on various publications

Time Magazine Logo
The new york times logo
New York Post Logo
Link to Documentaries in portfolio_entries

I have been covering protests for many years, documenting social justice movements around the world.

France (Nuit debout, Marches du 1er mai, Droit au logement, Marche contre l’homophobie, Women’s march against Trump, Marche antifascistes, Marche contre les violences policière…) , Algeria (Hirak) USA (Women’s march against Trump), Hong Kong (Pro-Democracy movement), Taiwan (Taipei Pride 2019).

I am actually based in Taipei, Taiwan, and distributed by Hans Lucas, Sopa Images, Sipa USA


Traveling is a gift. for the last 10 years I have been traveling around the world, documenting everyday’s life in countries all over the planet.

From Japan to Russia, and from the US to Tanzania, I will tell you all about my journey.


Photography is also about art, in this section i will show you my artistic projects.

The Hayek project and Liberté Project are part of my ongoing work.